Tweets of the Month + DC Meetup Tonight
Featuring the Central Committee, DIU, Superpowerdom, Midjourney's Self-Censorship and Vietnamese Dad TikTok
DC meetup details here would love to see you at the event!

The Selectorate is here: built for the China nerd, playable by anyone.
You've got 32 days before the game closes. If you need help, use our fully updated The Committee database as your cheat sheet.
Ready to draft the new rulers of tomorrow? Play on:…

I’m going with the 后浪 ticket! Hu Chunhua, Chen Min'er, Ding Xuexiang, Zhao Leji, Xi Jinping, Guo Shuqing, and Chen Jining

I wrote a long-form piece for The Diplomat, explaining how the Party Congress works.
I also identify the formally authorized group who makes the final approval of nominated candidates for the membership of the Central Committee.
Main takeaways. A thread.

Who will hold #DoDIG into account for intentionally slow-rolling the investigation to nix Mike Brown's nomination to USD A&S?
LaPlante was confirmed more than ONE YEAR after investigation start. IG could've done it in a couple months. Chose not to.

Happy birthday to me 🥳 Husband and I first became interested in the current trend for PRC environmental NGOs to use board games to advocate.
Who knew, the Party's getting in on the action. This 强国梦 文创桌游 is a board game to test your Party knowledge.

China is a nuclear power. The cost of Taiwanese autonomy will be nuclear brinksmanship. Tiny percentage of the debate over Taiwan is devoted to this angle—perhaps the most important one, from an American perspective?

An underappreciated second-order effect of China banning US tech firms like Google and Facebook is the impact affiliated billionaires have had on the DC policy discourse.
Cook and Elon aren't funding studies on how to compete with China, Schmidt (SCSP) + Moskowitz (CSET) are

You see this in the book choices that are selected by policymakers here—when you look at the years published, very clear the policymakers interviewer have are running on the fumes of whatever they studied in their MA program 20 years prior.

And it's not just the IPCC that's underestimating solar.
This is my "oldie but goodie" (updated for 2021) that shows the @IEA was also not expecting the current growth.

AukeHoekstra @AukeHoekstra

Wild to me that half of Americans don't think the US will be a superpower in 10 years
@HalBrands you gotta do more media i guess

Important Chinese leaders from the last 70 years who either have no English language biography or none written in several decades:

Chen Yun
Liu Shaoqi
Lin Biao
Zhao Ziyang
Peng Dehuai
Hu Yaobang
Hu Qiaomu
Kang Sheng
Zhu Ruanji
Ye Jianying
Li Xiannian
Li Peng
This list is largely written in the order of eagerness in which I would like to see their biography written

imagine trying to ‘Understand America’ if you couldn’t read deep analysis of 20th-century figures as influential as, say, George Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Earl Warren, Joseph McCarthy, Robert Oppenheimer and even MLK!
@Scholars_Stage other analogies?