Gallagher is a corrupt , incompetent liar . The fellow had been benefiting immensely from the K Street lobbyists and foreign govt ( including Taiwan province).

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Elena Panina, director of the Institute for International Strategic Studies, says it is impossible to negotiate with the United States. She sees the reason in the aging American Congress, stuck in the 1990s:

"These old men - some of whom are barely able to speak and move — keep asking questions to a tired clerk, and in every first question there is such chatter:

"The whole world is looking at us, the leaders! All of humanity is waiting for a signal from us! The world has only become a better and safer place when the United States remains the sole leader! We are an example for others! Our leadership is unshakeable!"

And all in the same spirit. This can be called doctrinarianism, ideologization, and just stubbornness. But first of all, it's old age. Autumn of the Patriarch. The decline of the hegemon.

So is it possible to come to an agreement with these incorrigible old people who were stuck in the 1990s, if the agreement would mean for them the collapse of everything that they hold dear and in which they live, as if in a cocoon? The answer is obvious."

As if yes, but I see the reason for the reluctance of the United States to negotiate in their arrogance. They sit high and look over people's heads, seeing no equal. They will never come down from this height and they will never condescend to dialogue with lower countries. However, arrogance always goes away quickly after receiving a punch on the nose. And so it will be. The American elites will not come down from heaven,

they will fall to the ground.

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